Sometimes when writing a speech, script, or essay you may want to consider how your words sound when read aloud. By using a Chrome extension, you can make Google Docs read to you, {...}
How to Sort by Multiple Columns in Google Sheets
To easily analyze large spreadsheets, you can make use of sorting functions that will organize your data. For those using Google’s productivity suite, the built-in sorting function {...}
How to Sort Alphabetically in Google Sheets
Once a spreadsheet contains numerous lines of data, it becomes difficult to find what you are looking for. It then becomes important to properly sort the data to ensure it {...}
How to Sort Multiple Columns Alphabetically in Excel
Reading thousands of lines in an Excel spreadsheet can be an annoying process, especially when the data is unorganized. Luckily, it is very easy to sort multiple columns {...}
How to Sort Alphabetically in Excel
Data in an Excel spreadsheet is usually unorganized, unsorted, and hard to read. There are many techniques to make the data easier to read, such as using filters and sorting {...}
How to Add Bullet Points in Excel
Many users are unaware that it is possible to add bullet points in Excel. While Excel does not provide a built-in functionality to do this, there are four workarounds that {...}